Hello today I will guide you through on how to build a proportioned chest and we will cover exercises you should do to hit every part of your chest which are the upper, lower and inner chest so stay with us until the end.

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How to build a proportioned chest


exercise to build proportioned chest

If you want to get a massive and proportioned chest you should exercise to hit every parts of your chest which are

Upper chest, lower chest and inner chest

So you should specifically train those parts of your chest to make your chest proportioned. Here are the exercises that will help you to build those muscles.

Upper chest

Lower chest exercise

If you want to build your upper chest the best exercises are:-

Inclined bench press

:-this exercise will help you to build a massive upper chest and it is done by lying on an inclined bench and pumping iron but making the bench to inclined will change the pressure to your shoulders so don’t make it too inclined, and to get the most out of this exercise you should do the exercise 2 sets of 10 reps.

Low to high cable cross over

:-this exercise will help you to build a great upper chest but the other advantage of this exercise is it also builds the biceps so if you have the access it is a great exercise to do. To get the most of this exercise this exercise you should do 2 sets of 8 reps.

Chest dips

:-this exercise is one of the best body weight exercise and it can build your upper chest and it will also help to build your triceps, shoulder and core so doing this exercise is worth it but it could be hard to do dips for beginners so if you can’t do dips try to strength your body by doing pushups then you can try the dips after some times. To get the most out of this exercise you should do 2 sets of 8 reps.

Declined pushups

:-this exercise is a good alternative if you can’t do chest dips and it builds the same body parts that chest dips build but with lower pressure on your body so until you can do dips you can do this exercise. to get the most out of this exercise you should do 3 sets of 10 reps, but if you are doing it to declined you will lower the pressure on your chest so don’t do it to declined.

lower chest exercises

Image result for lower chest

If you want to build your lower chest there are exercises that specifically train lower chest here are the exercises.

Chest dips

:-this exercise is mentioned on exercises for the upper chest exercise and it also helps to build your lower chest which makes it the best exercise from our list. So as mentioned above to get the most out of this exercise you should do 2 sets of 8 reps.

High to low cable cross over

:-this exercise is useful to build your lower chest exercise and it is also useful to build your biceps so if you have the access it is a good exercise to try. To get the most out of this exercise you should do 2 sets of 10 reps.

Inclined pushups

:-this exercise is useful to build your lower chest and your triceps but don’t do it to incline because it will be very easy to do and will not apply enough tension on your chest. To get the most out of this exercise you should do 3 sets of 10 reps.

Declined bench press

:-this exercise is useful to build your lower chest and triceps but this exercise can’t be done with very high weight dumbbell because this exercise is hard and without enough experience very high weight could be dangerous, so do this exercise with low weight then you will increase the weight after time. To get the most out of this exercise you should do it 2 sets of 8 reps.

Inner chest exercise

 inner chest

This part of your chest is the trickiest place to target and it’s not easy to target, here are the exercises to build your inner chest.

Close grip bench press

:-this exercise will help you build your chest and doing it with narrower grip will add extra pressure to your inner chest and to your triceps which means it will make you add some muscle to your inner chest and triceps. To get the most out of this exercise you should exercise 2 sets of 10 reps.

Narrow grip chest dips

:- this exercise is the best for your inner chest and it also builds your shoulders and triceps so it’s great to try but if you are beginner it could be hard to do this exercise so you can try other alternatives which will help you to strength your triceps and shoulder. To get the most out of this exercise you should do 3 sets of 6 reps.

Diamond pushup

:-this exercise is helpful to build your inner chest and this exercise have the same effect on your body as close grip bench press but it have some additional advantage because it  also hits your abs. to get the most out of this exercise you should do it 2 sets of 10 reps.

Narrow dumbbell press

:- this exercise is great to build your inner chest and to add some extra tension to your inner chest you should make the dumbbells in contact and push them each other which will help you to build your inner chest. To get the most out of this exercise you should do 3 sets of 10 reps.

So to build your chest these are the exercise and you can choose 1 or 2 exercise for every part of your chest and you will get the results soon. but don’t expect results at the speed of light it needs time to get a respectable muscle.

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